Monday, October 14, 2013

Menu Plan Monday: Empty the Pantry/Freezer

This week for my menu I am going to try and use up some items that have been hanging around our freezer and pantry a bit too long.

Monday:  Spaghetti with Spinach/Tomato/Meat sauce(from freezer); broccoli; pineapple
-To make the sauce I pretty much browned about 1 lb of ground beef with chopped onion, then added a jar of Aldi spaghetti sauce, added some extra Italian seasoning/garlic, used my Magic Bullet to chop up some frozen spinach that I had hanging around from my smoothie stage, stirred in the spinach and voila!

Tuesday:  Chicken (crockpot? or Nelson's?); mashed potatoes/gravy; peas; chopped up apples

Wednesday:  Eat out- youth night

Thursday:  Chicken and black bean tacos; if you want to go all fancy try this recipe- otherwise I pretty much just chop up a chicken breast and cook it in a pan on medium high with some Mexicany (I like to make up words) spices- you know the like- cumin, onion, garlic, cayenne pepper, chili powder or I get really lazy and use a Mexican spice packet, then I just throw in the black beans and call it done.  I've got some chopped up green pepper in the freezer, so I think I might throw some of those in as well.  As far as sides go, maybe I'll have some more pineapple or chopped up apples and carrots/dip.

Extra option:  If for some reason none of these dinners seem appealing or we don't go out a night next weekend we could have meatballs- I have some homemade frozen ones that I made a while ago, but honestly they might sit in there a while because meatballs have been sounding particularly disgusting lately.  Who knows though, that could change.

Check out more menu plan ideas at Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

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