Friday, April 5, 2013

Frugally Fit Friday: Pool Exercises

Happy Friday to everyone!  This week has been spring break for many of the schools around here which means that everyone has headed down south to where it is warm and is living by the pool!  If you are one of those people or you have access to a pool this week's feature is for you.

Fitness Magazine has an article describing several different exercises that you can do in a pool that are extremely effective and in general won't make you stick out (no one wants to be that crazy lady doing water aerobics to no music all alone surrounded by kids).  It details the K-tread (treading water), Otter roll (killer on abs- but you need a beach ball or something similar), Ball lever (also needs a ball- good for arms/abs/butt), Pike Scull (similar to doing a pike crunch only with more benefit to your arms as well), and finally the Wave Maker (killer on your legs).  What I like best about this article is that it gives you a nice written description and has a 30 second video available for each move, so that if you don't understand the written description you can visualize the move easily.  Note: As you click through the article it will try and have you sign up for stuff (you don't have to).  Just click continue and it will send you write back to the article.

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